Friday, 8 February 2013


Part 8:
Dev was out of their life permantely.

after one year yash was now in 9th and aarthi in 6th.during one sunday yash saw a movie in which the hero was on his knees and the heroine was standing near him. the hero was saying something to the heroine and she was smiling. yash's immediate thought went to aarthi. will aarthi also smile If her does anything like this?

immediately he goggled what were they doing. he came across the word propose.

immediately he went to his mom who was also her friend and asked her the meaning of propose.
"when two people who want to be together their whole life the boy proposes the girls and if the girl agrees then they life together the whole life.

after hearing this yash went back to his room and was thinking something deeply.
aarthi was not in home and yash was feeling bored. so he took all his saving collection. he broke his piggy bank and collected the money.

he went to a jewellery store and brought a ring and brought some flowers. he also brought some decoration things.

after reaching home yash went to their room and decorated it as per aarthi's liking. she liked red very much. so he made everything in red.

after confirming the idea from internet he took the flowers and placed a friendship card along with it.

after sometime aarthi came in. she was scared of dark and the room was pitch dark.she panicked. she called for yash and she started to cry. in worry yash came out and switched on the light.

immediately she hugged him tight. yash to hugged her back. hearing aarthi's voice gayatri and suraj ran upstairs. but seeing the scene there their eyes became moist.

yash was sitting in front of aarthi and was saying;

M: I want u to be always together with me. will u be with me always. I will never let u cry. and I will always buy u flowers that u like. I will always do the things that u will say. but u must not leave me and go. I want u always to be with me. will u always be with me?

G:yash what happened to u??
M:aarthi first answer me.
G:u know I will never leave u.
M:thank u.

yash immediately stood up his feet. his knees started aching and he flinched. aarthi immediately blowed air to his knees.

G: y did u do like this? see now ur knees are paining.
M:I always want u to be with me.
G:I will always be with u. then y did u do this?
M: woh maa said that when a boy asks like this to a girl and if she agrees then they always be together.

this made tears come out of the eyes of their parents. now they were proud of their decision of the marriage. they had faith in their yash that he would always keep their daughter happy.


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